刘雄军 教授;北京大学
题目:Quantum simulation for Rydberg atoms with laser-assisted dipole-dipole interactions
时间:2023年5月13日 下午 14:00
atoms with dipole-dipole interactions and arranged in arrays provide
intriguing platforms to explore exotic quantum many-body physics. In
this talk, following a pedagogic introduction to the Rydberg atoms, I
will present a novel mechanism that we proposed recently, dubbed
laser-assisted dipole-dipole interactions, to realize synthetic gauge
fields and correlated topological states for Rydberg atom arrays. In the
presence of an energy offset between neighboring Rydberg atoms, the
bare dipole-dipole interaction between them is suppressed, but an
effective dipole-dipole interaction can be assisted when Raman lights
are applied to compensate the energy difference. With this scheme we are
able to simulate various novel correlated quantum matters. In
particular, we first achieve a feasible scheme to generate tunable
synthetic gauge fields for the complex spin-exchange coupling model,
which realizes the highly tunable flat Chern bands of the hard core
bosons are obtained and further, the bosonic fractional quantum Hall
states. Moreover, the laser-assisted dipole-dipole interaction can be
broadly applied to various Rydberg atom array configurations,
particularly the Raman superarrays of Rydberg atoms. In the Rydberg
superarray of 1D ladder configuration, we show an exactly solvable model
which hosts the exotic quantum critical states. In the 2D case, we
propose a novel stripe lattice model to realize a fractional quantum
anomalous Hall phase, with the manipulation and detection via correlated
quench dynamics being introduced and discussed.
Yang Award)”等荣誉。发迄今表论文80余篇,包括Science, Science子刊,Nature Physics, PRL,
李有泉 教授;南开大学
题目:Manipulation of Skyrmions and the Promising Applications
时间:2023年5月13日 下午 14:00
has been spectacular progress in the study on multiferroics, which is
expected to make a realistic step toward an electrical control of
magnetism or four state memories. We propose a tilted Heisenberg model
of which the continuum limit is a gauge Landau-Lifshitz equation that
provides a unified description for various exotic spin orders appeared.
For certain gauge potential, we solved the magnetic skyrmion phase and
also predicted the emergence of meron phase. We also propose a mechanism
to pin skyrmions in chiral magnet, and find that the position-dependent
electric field can induce the Hall motion of the skyrmion. Furthermore,
we study spin-orbital driven ferroelectricity; spin-orbital coupling
and charge effect in Mott insulators showing that the tilted Heisenberg
model can be derived from the Hubbard model in the presence of
spin-orbital coupling as the large U limit. The idea of tilted
Heisenberg model has been extended to the SU(3) case by experts working
on high-energy physics recently. Moreover, we show that in the
stationary regime the chirality of the domain wall can be efficiently
reversed when the electric field is applied along the direction of the
magnetic field. These characteristics suggest that the multiferroic
domain wall may provide a new prospective means to design faster and
low-power-consumption domain wall devices. These results are expected to
motivate experimentalists to prepare new type of multiferroics material
or design new spintronics device.
of Physics》、《物理学进展》等期刊编委,现任中国物理学会秋季会议、全国磁学理论会议等组委会委员。